Saturday, March 12, 2011

SC Trip Post #4: Odds and Ends

My sister, Dorothy, came up with the idea that we should have a "girls' night" slumber party while we were in South Carolina.  So one night I packed up all the kiddos and went to Gwen's house to spend the night.  Gwen's husband sought refuge at his parents' house.  Smart man.  Everyone was supposed to bring something to eat. I volunteered to pick up the dessert (Oreos and ice cream), Beth brought mini-tacos for the kids, Dorothy made some bean dip, and Gwen made this fabulous Indian dish.  At one point I looked at the table and started laughing.  The four of us are as anglo-saxon as can be, yet what do we eat when given a choice?  Ethnic food.  Looks good though, doesn't it??

I also spent most of the driving part of the trip in the middle row of seats in our van next to Maddox to help keep him happy.  Sometimes I thought it was the best seat available - especially when I got to look at faces like this one:

And this one:

And have conversations like this one:

Also, we can't talk about our trip to SC without mentioning someone special: our friend, Grace, who opened her home to our family and let us stay there.  She has a rather skittish dog named Dixie who doesn't make friends with strangers.  Olivia, our little animal charmer, couldn't bear it.  Before we left, she had made friends with Dixie!

And here are the girls with Dixie and Grace:

Finally, I did get around to some pictures of Sunday Dinner At The Ervins'.  Yes, that really is capitalized.  It's the biggest thing my kids miss about living in South Carolina!  And you have to forgive the picture colors - I was still playing around with the settings for my camera and frankly, I just don't have time to go back and edit them all to get them to look just right.

Here is Maddox in the Bumbo seat.

Our friend, Natalie, holding Maddox.

Mike & Kristi.  Mike blinked.

So I told him to keep his eyes open this time.  He did.

Kiersten & Natalie with Maddox (how does he get in all these pictures, anyway?)

Olivia and her best buddy ever, Maren.  These girls were born 3 weeks apart, and they've been together ever since!

Friend Valerie trying out the Moby wrap - and I think her baby gave it a thumbs up!

Friend Heather just looking gorgeous in the kitchen!

Jared with a crying Maddox.  I think he got tired of being passed around...?

We sure miss you guys!!

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