Monday, January 11, 2016

Welcome 2016

It's hard to believe another year has come! I've been so lax in this blog, but something tells me that's about to change. I started this blog when we moved away from South Carolina and came to Oklahoma. And now, over 7 years later, another change is in the air. Ben started a job last week in Columbus, Ohio!

For now I'm here packing and cleaning and de-junking the house with all 4 kids and our 2 dogs. Ben's living in rented condo space in Columbus and working on finding us a house there while I work on selling this one. I've closed the home bakery, I've stopped watching the cutie pies I've been caring for over the past 2+ years, and it's like I don't even recognize my life sometimes. Fortunately (unfortunately?) I've been too overwhelmed to be heartbroken about the move yet. Mostly.

I've loved Oklahoma. I've loved the people here. I've made some special and close friends that will be extremely hard to say goodbye to. Yet I'm also excited to move closer to our east coast family and friends, and for Ben to have this new opportunity. I'm so conflicted!! And I know I'm not the first or last person to go through stuff like this. In our world today, it's almost an expected part of life: everything changes. People move ALL OF THE TIME, but I'm not one who likes to do it. I like to put down roots and make myself comfortable. Yet I also know God has been good to us this far and He's not about to start letting us down now.

And since every good blog post has pictures... here's a few. To help Ben get set up at his new office, we printed a collage of some of his favorite pictures from this past year and I figured I'd put them on here, too.

Okay, this one's a little older (Christmas 2014?) but it's a favorite of mine and Ben's. How I love this man!

Olivia's been dodging the camera a lot lately, but we got to her to pose with Hazel on her lap this past spring. She's got a great smile, doesn't she?

Kelsey after her last Thunder game performance with C4C this past spring. It's hard to believe how much she has grown up just in the 8 months since this picture was taken!

Connor just being adorable.  He does that a lot.

Maddox on his first day of Pre-K! Here's another kid who has decided to grow up on me.

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