Thursday, May 14, 2009

Extreme Yumminess

OK, so I normally don't blog about food. But this is exceptional. Last night I was hanging out in Wal-Mart waiting for the rain and hail to subside, and I wandered over to the deli section to get some roasted red pepper hummus since I have oodles of celery in my fridge and that's just about the only way I eat it raw. That's when I saw it. I was wooed by the larger container, the dollop of red roasted red peppers in the middle, and the promise of it being "smoother and tastier" than my usual brand. Since it was only 50 cents more, into the cart it went. This morning I pulled out the celery, and sampled the culinary delight that is known as Sabra Roasted Red Pepper Hummus. I have never tasted anything so good! (Unless it was drowning in hot fudge toffee, anyway.)
I usually enjoy restaurant hummus. I like store-bought hummus enough to keep buying it. But this stuff... WOW. Even my lovely neighbor (who doesn't normally like hummus at all) thought it was good enough to have seconds! And what if you aren't a celery lover? It makes a great addition to an avocado & tomato sandwich!! F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S. And I just HAD to share this new find with any of my friends that might also be on the eternal quest for good hummus. I am THERE!!


Alyssa said...

Red pepper hummus?!?!? Oh how amazing!

*Jess* said...

I will tell Brian. I am sure he'll get some!

Amberdawn said...

Doesn't normally? Hmmm, more like NEVER likes such odd nasty healthy things. But indeed it was YUMMY! I might have to rethink my opposition to all things healthy.