Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sweet November

I just don't know where the time has gone.  Actually, yes I do.  I had a baby and life got hectic.  However, we are starting to adjust.  School is back "in session" for us, but we have found that most of our classroom time now takes place when Connor is down for a nap in the afternoons.  I learned pretty quickly that a hungry newborn and an active toddler are almost more than I can handle when you toss in trying to sit down and do school work with both girls at once.  Now the girls spend some of their morning time doing chores, having "fitness time", writing in their journals, and having DEAR time (Drop Everything And Read).  We're also watching a lot more educational shows.  We've learned a lot about insects, the weather, and even meerkats.  Yes, Olivia and I have become fans of Meerkat Manor.  Who would have thought we'd sink to the level of reality TV about meerkats?  It's strangely compelling and full of drama.  We love it!

In other news this month, both of my lovely daughters decided they wanted to have drastic haircuts.  Olivia wanted chin-length hair, and Kelsey wanted a pixie cut. These pictures aren't the best, but at least it'll give you an idea:

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