Saturday, April 16, 2011


I'm not even going to try to update this blog in chronological order of events.  However, there are a couple cute things that I wanted to share.

First, Olivia was having a friend sleep over (her BFF) on Friday, April 1st.  Well, that just demanded that we should make some fun "vegetable" cupcakes I saw on a blog called Our Best Bites.  So we made a batch and the girls decorated them to deliver to some friends.

They turned out super cute.  Here we have "peas and carrots" and "mashed potatoes".  The peas are green runts, the carrots are orange Starburst cut into fourths.  And the butter on the mashed potatoes?  Flattened lemon Starbursts of course.  Eating our veggies was never so fun!

One of my favorite times is when Connor and Maddox are up around 7 or so in the morning (and in a good mood) and the girls are sleeping in.  It's not that I don't love the girls, but I sure do love playing with my boys uninterrupted.  This one particular morning, Connor insisted on having Maddox lay next to him on the loveseat while I fixed him a cup of juice so he could "take care of Maddox".  He's so sweet the way he loves on his brother.  Anyhow, once I brought the cup back and gave it to Connor, Maddox couldn't take his eyes off of it and wanted nothing more than to get his hands on it.  So, I shot a video to share the cuteness.

Also, another picture from a field trip we took to Martin Park Nature Reserve.  Their nature center has a bin of walking sticks that visitors can borrow for walking the trails.  The kids all needed their very own, of course.  And since this happened to be the same day as the sleepover Olivia was having (April 1st) we had Olivia's friend K with us.

I love how all the girls are using them as walking sticks, but Connor, on the other hand, is using his as a weapon. That about sums up his life right now.  He's a violent little bugger. But at least he's usually trying to kill the "huma" (aka "puma") and not us.

1 comment:

Jessica Crews said...

love that video of Maddox trying to take Connor's cup! too adorable.